
Anime Characters Who Have Unreasonable Hairstyles!

Anime is known to do a lot of crazy things, starting from the action, animation style, and songs that are…

Luffy’s Gear Transformation So Far in the One Piece Anime

One Piece anime is an anime that has been around for a long time and it could be said that…

Anime Characters Who Can Match Luffy’s Gear 5 Power

The appearance of Gear 5, Luffy's new power in the One Piece anime shocked the internet! Nakama was amazed when…

Most Badass Detective Anime Villains

The exciting thing in detective anime is not only how the criminals in each case are revealed, but how the…

Recommended Anime with a Car Racing Theme, Some Will Make You Nostalgic!

Anime Car racing is one of the most popular racing sports in the world today. There are lots of films…